Monday, November 16, 2015

1.         Rule: Become genuinely interested in other people
“Do this and you will be welcome everywhere.”
“You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”
“Ask questions to other people, questions that they would enjoy answering.”
2.       Reflection: No one likes to have people that pretend to like them or want to be friends with them for the wrong reasons. No one likes to be lied to and be backstabbed by people they would consider close to them. Even now, today in the world everyone wants to have someone as a friend that is genuine, and that has nothing but the truth, and honesty to offer them. Being genuine is key to having successful relationships and friendships, no one likes to be lied to or be taken advantage of and it is something everyone should offer as a sign of respect to the other person, because it can mean that you’re taking the friendship or relationship seriously and you want to make it worthwhile. Being genuine overall can come in handy in the future over time because if you can prove to be genuine and trustworthy people are going to want to be partners with you business wise and will want to get something going for the benefit of them and yours. An example of being genuine is never lying and always being truthful to yourself and to others you would consider friends. Another example of being genuine is always being honest, respectful, and being responsible for yourself, and for the feelings of others. Overall being genuine should be applied to an everyday lifestyle because practice makes perfect and people will want to be around you and also will genuinely enjoy your company.

3.       Quote: “.The more one does and sees and feels, the more one is able to do, and the more genuine may be one's appreciation of fundamental things like home, and love, and understanding companionship.” Amelia Earhart
4. Picture: 
5. I will apply this rule to my life when it comes time for me to make new friendships, when it comes to being honest to my parents about anything and everything, and i will also be genuine when it comes to big decision making moments that can impact my life and the life of others.
2. Rule 2: Smile
“Actions speak louder than words, and a smile says, “I like you. You make me happy. I am glad to see you.”
“You don’t feel like smiling? Then force yourself to smile.”
“It creates happiness in the home, fosters good will in business, and is the countersign (witness or education) of friends.”
1.         Reflection: Smiling is the best way to approach someone, be a kind person, and the way to get everyone surrounding to you be happy with you. Always being nice and smiling can make you approachable by other people, and it is going to want them to be your partner and have some type of connection. I believe smiling can be a sign of positivity and happiness because if you’re smiling you’re in the right mood, and overall a positive person. On the other hand if you’re not smiling and being negative then that makes you unapproachable and no one is really going to be interested In talking top your or forming a relationship.  You can always tell when a person is having a good day or a bad day when they are smiling or being gentle, or when they are not smiling, and being rude to others for no reason. Overall smiling is a good character and it goes for everyone, it is something that should be practiced on an everyday basis because it can bring good feelings, and overall it can bring you positivity from other as well. Smiling is also a sign of respect, and kindness to others because who doesn’t like being smiled at from a stranger, a friend, or a family member. It is always amazing to cross paths with people like that because they are the type of people that will encourage you to do good, and always do everything in a positive manner. Overall, a smile can make someone’s day and brighten it up so it is essential to always smile and be a positive heart.
2.       Quote: “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” – William Arthur Ward

4.        In order to master this I will always try to be positive smile to others and try to bring positive energy into their days. Everyone likes to be smiled every once in a while and it is the generous thing to do.
3. Rule 3: Remember Names
“A man’s name is to him the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”
“If you don’t remember names, you are headed for trouble.”
1. Reflection: Remembering names is a great way to start relationships and it can make someone feel important. Remembering names can come in handy in the long run of someone’s life when it comes to business, or anything else besides that. For example when you have an internship or something of that nature it is always good to say “Oh, Jimmy Hardship sent me, he’s the current CEO of the company I believe.” And this will make others feel good and important because you know their name and how to address them in a respectful manner. Remembering names can also help in school as well when it comes to homework or classwork. If you do not know peer’s names you won’t have any resources or anything to help you with any assignments and if you do you can always direct to them and talk to them by asking questions or what not. Remembering names is always beneficial because you won’t have to struggle to communicate with someone within the same room as you, and you won’t have to be asking people to tell you the name of the person you want to address. Remembering names is also something essential because no one wants be address by “Ay” “Hey You” and what not, everyone likes to be addressed by their name because it is respectful and can benefit someone in the long run.
2. Quote: “Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.” – John F. Kennedy

4. I will master this new rule by remembering people’s names even if their strangers and show them my respect. I will also address people by their proper name instead of addressing them with an “Ay” or “Hey”.
1. Repeating, Repeating, and Repeating their names
2. Comparing their names to something like an image
3. Spelling their names  out
4. Associate their names with things they like to do
5.Doing Mnemonic devices
6.  to help people remember your name give them tips or something they can rely on to memorize your name
7. Write their names down
8. Speak up and ask the person to tell you their names as many time as possible. 
9. Introduce people to other people and make them say their names 
Rule 4: Be a good listener. Encourage other to talk about themselves.
“If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an attentive listener.”
“Remember that the man you are talking to is a hundred times more interested in himself and his wants and his problems than he is in you and your problems.”
1.         Reflection: Someone in the world always wants to have someone that will listen to what they have to say and help them out in the time of need. Every individual wants to be heard, and be cared about by at least one other person or multiple, and it’s an act of kindness if you’re hearing someone out and being there for them. Being a good listener to someone can make them feel important, and that you care for them. No one likes to not be heard by someone else because then they are not venting or letting their stress out. Being listened to can also help someone get emotionally better, and can help someone become a better speaker when it comes to problems. No matter who the person is, if you do not know them personally or at all it is always good to encourage them to let out some things and not have it bother them or their mind because it can affect them mentally and emotionally. Encouraging someone to talk about their problems or whatever the case may be can always make them build confidence inside themselves and can give them the courage to contact someone to talk to about anything they want. It is always better to vent and to talk to someone because then you are not stressed, and you feel freer.
2.       Quote: “It is greed to do all the talking but not to want to listen at all.” – Democritus.

4.        In order to master this I will listen more to people and help them out in whatever way I can. No one likes to be ignored or their voices to be heard so it is something I will work on. Talking to others, or having someone talk to me can really make a difference and can help build positivity. 
Rule: 4
“If you aspire to be a good conversationalist, be an alternative listener.”
5 Tips to being an attentive listener
1.         Step 1: Stay Focused: listen what they say and to be patient
2.        Step 2: Really Listen to not think about similar experience and what you should say next
3.       Step 3: Allow for periods of silence: wait till the other person speaks again.
4.       Step 4: From time to time repeat the other person’s words and repeat it back to them: Reassure that you are really listening and make them confident to talk.
5.        Step 5: Understand motions between words: When paraphrasing express feelings back to them, be prepared for long conversations, gain trust and people will want to spend time with you

Rule 5: Talk in terms of other’s man’s interest
“The royal rode to a man’s heart is to talk to him about the things he treasures most.”
1.         Reflection: When it comes to conversations and interacting with someone else, people do not like to talk about things that are not in their choice of interest. No one likes to talk about vague things that don’t matter to them or that do not make a difference in their lives. Everyone likes to talk about something that can really be life changing, and that it can impact them in a positive way. For example when it comes to business everyone likes to talk about subjects that can bring them money, and success not something that can downplay them and make them less successful, or having to lose something. When it comes to subjects, its better off if someone talks about something controversial and life changing, like world events, and what is really going on in today’s society. When people get together they like to talk about subjects that play a role in their lives not something that is irrelevant and won’t really make a difference. In the world no one likes to waste their time so it’s always wiser to speak on something that can actually make change. Overall, no individual likes talking about something ridiculous or whatever the case may be, sometimes folks do like to go off topic and talk about celebrity’s gossip or things of that nature, but in reality what good comes from that. Overall it is always good to talk about something that you and your company are both interested in.
2.       Quote: “The secret of happiness is this: let your interests be as wide as possible, and let your reactions to the things and persons that interest you be as far as possible friendly rather than hostile.” – Bertrand Russell.

4.        To master this I will engage in a conversation and talk about things that are in my interest and in the interest of others around me. I will also try to think about topics that can impact not only my life but the life of my company.

Rule 6: Make the other person feel important – and do it sincerely
“The desire to be important is the deepest urge in human nature.” – John Dewey
“Helping people feel important and appreciated works magic.”
1.         Reflection: To make someone feel important takes a lot depending on whether you know the person and what they have proved to be known for. Sometimes people hold grudges on other people because of what they did and if it hurt them or not. Things should not be like that because at the end of the day it affects both people and it can make a huge difference in someone’s life. When you make someone feel important it gives the other person good feelings, and it will also make the other person feel happy as well and positive. When you make someone feel important you make them feel wanted, like if you sincerely want to know about them and where they come from. It is also important to keep in mind that you need to treat people the way you want to be treated, and if its good then good things will happen. If it is bad then bad things will happen to you, and no one likes negative things to happen. When you make even a stranger feel important you build a friendship and maybe even a longtime partnership with strangers.
2.       Quote “Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is.” –Jim Morrison

4.        I will apply this new rule by listening to others and overall making them feel important and wanted by me because it is the nicest thing to do. Showing that you care and that you really want to be there for others makes other people act the same way towards you, and good feelings in your heart.
Reflection: “Six ways to make people like you.”

The six ways to make people like you are really influential, and very easy to follow, that I think everyone should follow them honestly and genuinely. The six ways have really made me put things into perspective and do things the right way to not only make me feel good, but also the other person. When you do something right and out of kindness to other people it really makes the other individuals feel good, and make them want to confide in you. When you follow the six ways it is also a way to build relationships with other people and make friends. These six ways are filled with positivity, and overall kindness and it’s a message that can be decoded by others to find the greatness these six ways offers to someone. I genuinely feel like the six ways have made me become a better person and more positive towards others despite the circumstances that we are in its always better to do everything out of heart. One of the six ways is to show someone that you’re there to listen and it’s really helped me to go out of my way and help others in time of need. The six ways should be followed by other individuals and we should advocate for the six ways because a lot of positive things can be done by following the six ways to make people like you. All in all, I think the creation of the six ways to make people like you is very influential and filled with positivity that everyone should follow these guidelines to enjoy a life filled with happiness and overall positivity.

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